
Have you ever watched yourself on video? If you have, then you might describe it as an entirely shocking, altogether horrifying experience. Or at least cringe worthy. Growing up in the 70’s and 80’s, cameras were really only brought out on occasion, to document something that you wanted to remember. I can’t recall when my family got a video camera, but it was definitely later in life. Maybe in college? I do know that I was at least old enough to not have had to be on the recorded side of it. As I write this, a thought just struck me, I wonder if this new, young generation of kids will ever feel that way about seeing themselves on screen? Maybe since video has woven its way into the day to day experience, they have a wholly different attitude toward it? Perhaps they have grown accustom to seeing themselves in motion and they are more comfortable with their image as opposed to their reflection?

This week, I received a blog post from C&T Publishing. Great, I thought, I wonder what it will be about. Imagine my surprise, upon opening, to be met with my picture and a video that we made at Quilt Market last fall to promote my book. To be honest, I was horrified. As of this moment, I still haven’t watched more than the first minute of it. I clicked on the link and immediately panicked when I saw it already had 12 likes and 3 thumbs down. Uggh. Thumbs down? That put my anxiety into an immediate whirlwind.

After thinking about it for the past few days, I asked myself what advice I would give to a friend or even to my own child when met with a similar situation. That change in perspective is a good reminder that growth does not come without challenges. If I want to write and sell books, I need an audience. People like video content- I get that. So, with the goal of growth in mind, I am putting aside my pride and thin skin and going to watch the video.

To be ever mindful that my work is a direct reflection of my own developing state. My intention in sharing with you is to get over the shock and horror and focus instead on how I can improve. To that end, how can I make it better? Is it content? More practice? Presentation skills? If you have a few minutes, I would truly value your thoughts.

Now, who is ready to learn how to modify purse straps with leather?