Tutorial Hilarie Dayton Tutorial Hilarie Dayton

How to Make Plush Fabric Pumpkins Free PDF Pattern and Tutorial

Happy Thanksgiving! Since most of us will be home this year to celebrate, and needing some festive decor, I’ve got a fun DIY for you. This tutorial is a bit of an update from one that I wrote a few years back. The construction and pattern are the same, but I’ll walk you through a few other options for stems. Plus, like the velvet pumpkins that I love to make and gift each year- we can tuft these to give them a more organic pumpkin-y shape.

How to Make a Plush Fabric Pumpkin

How to Make Plush Fabric Pumpkins Free PDF Pattern and Tutorial littlestitchstudio.com/blog

Happy Thanksgiving! Since most of us will be home this year to celebrate, and needing some festive decor, I’ve got a fun DIY for you. This tutorial is a bit of an update from one that I wrote a few years back. The construction and pattern are the same, but I’ll walk you through a few other options for stems. Plus, like the velvet pumpkins that I love to make and gift each year- we can tuft these to give them a more organic pumpkin-y shape.

How to Make a Plush Fabric Pumpkins Free PDF Pattern and Tutorial

Materials to Make a Plush Fabric Pumpkin

Plush pumpkin tutorial: Materials

1/4" of mid-weight fabric (I have used velvet, flannel, silk and cotton.)

Button and Craft thread 


Doll Needle

Thimble (Trust me on this one!)

A pumpkin stem that has been dried OR a small piece of tan felt and a pipe cleaner.

Poly-fill stuffing

Optional: Felt for leaves to add a bit of embellishment

Hot Glue Gun and Glue Sticks

I’m Stuffed Plush Pumpkin PDF Pattern


Once you print the pattern, measure the scaling square to be sure that it measures 1".

Follow the original tutorial until you get to the step where you insert the stem (stick).

Plush pumpkin tutorial: gathering the fabric

 Picture order Left to right, top to bottom.

Cut a 45” length of thread.

Thread needle, doubling over and tie ends into a double knot..

To begin stitching, try to Insert the needle into a seam allowance just inside the pumpkin.  Make a small stitch or two to secure.

Using a running stitch about 1/4”-1/2” long, stitch around the opening of the pumpkin.

Pull threads to cinch and tie.  

Restitch through each gather of fabric around opening.. Tie and knot to secure.

Do not cut the thread!

Plush pumpkin tutorial: tufting the fabric pumpkin

Tufting time!

Take the needle and pushit through the center of the pumpkin directing it to come out at center of the bottom.  If you don’t already have a thimble on- get one STAT.


Put needle through the center bottom, and turn to sew back up through the center top opening.  To help anchor the thread, I take a small stitch just over the lip of the opening each time I pull the needle up. Then when I turn the needle and stitch straight back down, this little step helps to neaten the draw of the fabric..  Pulling the thread taut.  Repeat a few times until the pumpkin is the size and shape that you desire.  

Knot to secure. Trim thread and tuck inside pumpkin.


How to dry a natural pumpkin stem

Each Autumn, I prowl pumpkin stands for beautiful stems that beckon to be preserved, After the pumpkin has sat on my porch for weeks, I carefully cut around the stem, remove it and get as much pumpkin flesh off as possible. Then I let them air dry for several days. Once they seem light and dry, I put them on a cookie sheet and bake in the oven at a really low temperature (about 225 degrees) for about an hour. This dries out the stem and kills the bugs.

*I encourage you to do a web search to discover other methods of drying.

Plush pumpkin tutorial: how to dry a pumpkin stem to glue on a fabric pumpkin

Take a dry (and baked!) pumpkin stem. Check the bottom to make sure it is somewhat smooth and even. If not, lightly sand with sand paper.

Plush pumpkin tutorial: Glue a real pumpkin stem to the fabric plush pumpkin

Add bit of glue to the center of opening.  Set stem and hold until dry.

How to make a stem from felt and a pipecleaner


Small piece of felt

Pipe cleaner


Old Scissors

Plush pumpkin tutorial: How to make a felt pumpkin stem

1. Cut felt into a 4” X 4” square

2. Align and glue pipe cleaner along one side of the felt square.

3. Hold onto the pipecleaner while tightly rolling the felt.

Apply glue to secure.

4. Cut the stem at a 45-degree angle.

Plush pumpkin tutorial: Prepare the felt pumpkin stem

To help anchor the stem into the pumpkin, bend the part of pipe cleaner that sticks out in half before inserting.

Plush pumpkin tutorial: Plush pumpkin with felt and wire stem

Insert into pumpkin.  Add a bit of glue to secure.  

Bend the felt stem to a pleasing shape..  


Please be gentle with yourself and those that you love. Find some space and time to rest and don’t forget to call your mom.

Happy Thanksgiving!

XO, Hilarie

Plush pumpkin tutorial: Pumpkins with real pumpkin stem and felt and wire stem
How to Make Plush Fabric Pumpkins Free PDF Pattern and Tutorial littlestitchstudio.com/blog
Last year’s harvest.

Last year’s harvest.

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PDF Pattern, Tutorial Hilarie Dayton PDF Pattern, Tutorial Hilarie Dayton

DIY Easy Mini Felt Bunny Ornaments

Easter is on Sunday! Since quarantine began, I am never really quite sure what day it is anymore. Somehow in all of this uncertainty, I hadn’t gotten around to putting out any type of seasonal decoration. With a daughter called Bunny, we generally take Easter decorating pretty seriously around here. So, in an effort to jump start on all things Bunny, here is a quick hand-sewing project for you to make and enjoy.


DIY Easy Mini Felt Bunny Ornaments

DIY Easy Mini Felt bunny ornament, free pdf pattern and tutorial



Easter is on Sunday!  Since quarantine began, I am never really quite sure what day it is anymore.  Somehow in all of this uncertainty, I hadn’t gotten around to putting out any type of seasonal decoration. With a daughter called Bunny, we generally take Easter decorating pretty seriously around here. So, in an effort to jump start on all things Bunny, here is a quick hand-sewing project for you to make and enjoy.  

DIY Easy Mini Felt Bunny Ornaments Free Pattern and Tutorial


pearle cotton free bunny sewing pattern and tutorial




materials to cut and sew felt bunny ornament

These mini felt bunnies sew together pretty quickly and it is likely that you already have the supplies on hand. 

To make an assortment 2 1/2-inch bunny place ornaments:





About 2.5” inches high, plus ears



Easter Bunny Place Setting Ornament


Cut eight circles from the felt and two ears


felt bunny place holder ornament

Press each of the cut circles in half, making a crease along the center. Place the ears aside for now.


felt bunny place holder ornament

Cut a piece of thread about 20” long.  Thread a needle and knot the end to tie.  Insert the needle from the back of one of the circles and make a small stitch to secure. 

*This thread should be long enough to complete one bunny. The idea is to keep sewing with the same strand of thread between all layers. If you run out- no worries. Just tie off the end and rethread another strand.

felt bunny place holder ornament

Fold the circle in half. Grab a second circle, keeping it folded in half as well, and align both so that the straight fold of each piece mirrors the fold of the other.   

You might find it helpful to think of each piece as a folded tortilla.

felt bunny place holder ornament

felt bunny place holder ornament


Stitch the two pieces together along their crease lines with a small hand stitch. 


felt bunny place holder ornament

Try to keep your stitches even and be sure that both circles are aligned. Sew across the entire fold and stop.  Keep your working thread- do not cut.

felt bunny place holder ornament


Fold the pieces that have just been sewn in half, like two tortillas.  

Grab two more felt circles and layer them with the just sewn pieces in between.

Sew across the entire fold mark and stop.  

felt bunny ornament

Doesn’t it look like a tortilla sandwich? Make sure that the center fold creases remain aligned with the center seam of the inner layer


felt bunny ornament
felt bunny ornament

With the working thread, sew these two new pieces together along their center fold lines in the same manner as before. 


Sew to the end of the folded crease. Remember-don’t cut your thread.

felt bunny ornament


Now we are going to repeat that same step again, by folding all of the circles closed and placing the two more felt circles on the top and bottom.   Be sure to align the creases.

 Sew these two pieces together through the center as before.  At this point the felt is getting a bit bulky to sew through.  Just be patient- you are almost finished.

felt bunny ornament

felt bunny ornament

Repeat this process for the final two creased circles, layering them opposite to one another through the center and stitch.


felt bunny ornament

Sewing is complete!




felt bunny ornament

Give each section a little tug to straighten, then divide the circle in half to place the ears.

felt bunny ornament


For the ears, I dabbed a bit of glue on each side and placed the ear.  You may need to pinch it for a minute or two to set.



If you plan to have your bunny sit, you may need to flatten the bottom just a bit.  To do this, I pinched the circle in half and gave it a bit of a trim. Just watch your stitching. If you happen to cut through- add a bit of glue and pretend it never happened.




All done! Doesn’t it remind you a bit of a weeble?



Wouldn’t these look adorable strung as an Easter bunny garland?

Felt bunny ornament free pdf sewing pattern and tutorial
free pattern for felt Easter bunny ornament and place holder party favor

 I made one into a chick by cutting two hearts for wings and one tiny heart for a beak.

This Easter may be the perfect opportunity to focus on renewal. Let it serve as a reminder that life goes on and that love is greater than fear. With that sentimant in mind, I wish you all a lovely Easter holiday.

 XO, Hilarie







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