Introducing: The Basic Principles of Garment Construction, A New Blog Series

To truly master anything, it is not enough to know how to do something- you also need to know why.    Introduction to Garment Construction

So many of you are discovering the possibilities that open up when you learn to sew. With even a basic set of skills, you can begin to make simple clothing, fashionable accessories and home decor projects. Soon you may find yourself searching for patterns, fabric and fancy new sewing machines. Suddenly a whole new world opens up- it really is an exciting time. 

Well, that is until it isn’t.   

There are so many frustrating moments that you will encounter when learning to sew.  Tangled threads, broken needles, machine malfunctions.  All normal stuff- I promise.  You see, there is a difference between knowing how to sew and how to sew well.  Learning to sew well takes time and patience.  Yes, you will continue to make mistakes, I still do!  But it is through these mistakes that you can begin to really learn why things need to be done in a certain order or way – and what happens when you don’t.

To truly master anything, it is not enough to know how to do something- you also need to know why.  

Introduction to Garment Construction

In this series, my intention is to guide you step by step through a variety of methods and techniques to help you to gain a true understanding of the fundamentals of sewing.  Through hands on practice, I hope that you will begin to notice the underlying construction principles and techniques that come up in sewing again and again. 

Cutting, marking, pinning, basting, stitching, seam finishing, trimming, stabilizing- all of these techniques are used in sewing over and over no matter what it is you are making.  It really helps to understand why each step is necessary and how it will relate to your final project.  Though there are many ways approach a single technique, I will share with you what works best for me.  Please don’t expect any shortcuts, as that is not what I do.  Instead, I believe in spending time to develop a very special set of skills that will set your work apart and help you to create the pieces that you dream of.


Get your scissors ready!


The Basic Principles of Garment Construction: Functional, Structural and Decorative Design


Easy DIY Lace Collar Necklace